Tantric Energy Healing


With Lalitah

Do you want to have a strong connection to your higher self?
Have an experience of who you are when you invite all that you are into your
Get cleared of old patterns and energy imprints that no longer serve you on your
Get insights from your guides?
Raise your vibration?
Manifest New Earth business and relationships?
Live your highest truth?
Integrate the changes you have been through, in a soft and smooth manner?

Why Tantric Energy Healing?

For manifesting New Earth Business and Relationships, we have to step out
of the old paradigm and clear the old paradigm imprints that hold us
stagnant in ways that no longer serve us
The world is raising its frequency and with that our DNA is changing from
carbon based to crystalline DNA. That challenges us to live from our truth
instead of our conditioning. For this we need to work with energy and
spiritual technologies.
When we raise our vibration and align with the frequency of the Earth, we
support our own development and truth alignment. We get access to our
higher self and universal support.
To our own magic.

What is Tantric Energy Healing?

Tantric Energy Healing is a mulitdimensional high frequency energy and
information transmission.
It works on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
It directly re-connects you to your soul remembrance,
which is the part of you that is bigger than your everyday consciousness.
Each session is like an initiation that awakens your own healing abilities
and intuitive trust.
It takes you deeper into your own body and soul wisdom

It is like coming back home to yourself where you let go of all that is not
you. It enables you to live a free and true life in alignment with your
needs and souls wisdom. So you always have a compass within


1 session

A single session if you need an energy booster and/or have a specific issue that you want laser sharp directed healing focus on or integration after an energy shift. Usually you have tried healing before and are already open to the concepts of energy work.

4 sessions

4 sessions healing on the 4 energy bodies to clear and upgrade the different layers of your being. We recommend this to the ones who want to start a healing journey or the ones who has already tried healing and have a specific or repeating issue to go deeper into.

3 months journey

A 3 months long customized personal development journey based on 7 Tantric Energy Healing sessions and coaching, with practices in between. This is good for those who burned the bridges and are ready to go all the way in to become a New Earth Leader. It is for those who want to develop their own magic in a supportive and loving container.